Join us for lunch on the 4th Wednesday of January, April, July and October as well as an occasional 'pop-up' event. We have speakers, vendor opportunities, peer recognition and, of course, networking!

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In the months we're not offering a live event, we conduct virtual masterminds via Zoom instead. Submit your request to receive support, suggestions & ideas from the other attendees on the web conference.

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We offer a rewards program for assisting your fellow networkers. Nominations are read every month. Each quarter, at our live event, a name is drawn from all nominees that quarter. The winner receives their meal for free!

Nominate Someone →


We offer a variety of sponsorship options. You can participate as a grab bag supporter, door prize donor, vendor and/or event sponsor to get exposure for your business and demonstrate goodwill in the community.

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Loretta Mikulski: Speaker Women's Networking Event

October 2024: Loretta Mikulski

At our October 2024 "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" event, our presenter will be Loretta Mikulski, founding member and President of the South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition (SJBCC). As a four-time breast cancer survivor herself, Loretta is a vocal advocate for breast cancer awareness.

The SJBCC is a non-profit organization, formed in 1997 by a group of survivors concerned with the enormous social, medical and economic consequences of breast cancer. Its mission is to advocate for breast cancer awareness through education and action, and to empower those affected by the disease.

Visit the SJBCC website or connect with them on Facebook: